The Ripple Effect Series
Crosssection created and published an extensive church-wide campaign to educate and create activism centered around modern day Christian Persecution.
The Ripple Effect Series launched with resources for adults, youth, and kids; educating them about the realtime and escalating persecution that is happening to Christians around the world. Crosssection created a series of interactive media, microsites and study resources that empower the participant to get involved, spread the word and pay it forward. The video series for the Ripple Effect challenges the participants to learn and go deeper.
Complete Campaign and Content Strategy development, extensive market research and benchmarking. Brand creation and positioning, Content creation, copy writing, all original film development and output, Graphic Design, Study and Small Group resources creation, Interactive websites, Grass Roots Marketing Strategy and Resources, Social Media, printing, fulfillment and customer service for all faith based promotional materials.
More than 320 Christians are killed every month because they are following Christ along with more than 200 Christian Churches that are all destroyed each month.
Project Website:
Open Doors USA